StackMap and Floating Collections Go Hand in Hand


Floating collections provide greater access to books, and for smaller branches, the spontaneous addition of new titles can diversify their collections. The items’ location codes are automatically updated when they float from one branch to another, and the integration script recognizes modified fields each time it loads in the catalog, therefore, as the location changes, so will the map.

We spoke with Laura Schaeffer, ILS Administrator at the Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County, about how StackMap has streamlined the book search in their floating collections at their 15 branches.

We have a very small floating collection, it’s basically just our paperbacks that float. They’re separated into four categories: mystery, science fiction, western, and romance. When a paperback comes in, it just gets shelved into its category, for example, if it’s a mystery it goes with the mystery, etc. It’s been pretty easy, and they just kind of float as they come in and go out. And as they float, they’re mapped by StackMap simultaneously. With StackMap, a patron is able to see where the paperback currently is. They can always tell what branch it’s at by the way it’s updated in the catalog. But if it’s at a branch they aren’t familiar with, they can quickly see where we keep it. At our main branches, there are several different floors, and it could be a little intimidating to find titles, so StackMap makes it a lot easier to see where we keep items.


-       Laura Schaeffer, ILS Adminstrator at the Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County